Discovering Our Roots and Branches: Share Your JJC Story

As the nation’s first public community college, Joliet Junior College has played a key role in shaping America’s higher education system. Our rich and beautiful history reaches more than a century into the past, forever connecting generations of students, employees, alumni, trustees and community members.

The unique stories of JJC are like the roots and branches of a tree, anchoring our community and sustaining us through every season. With every new story, new roots and branches are added to the tree, illuminating JJC’s growth and resilience throughout the decades. 

What is YOUR JJC story? We invite you to join us as we collect, curate, and highlight the significance of JJC’s past and present so we can build a bright future together. Share your JJC story with us below and impact generations to come.

Share your JJC story by filling out the form below: